Hello everyone!
Today's recipe is for the most daring ones! Specially in the heat wave we are suffering here... I can't promise it will be easy, or fast. I can say that the result is refreshing and delicious though!
Today's recipe is for the most daring ones! Specially in the heat wave we are suffering here... I can't promise it will be easy, or fast. I can say that the result is refreshing and delicious though!
A few days ago, my friend Judith brought me a tupperware with the prettiest cherries I have ever seen. They were big, almost black and super juicy. I forbid myself to eat them all at once and I thought of doing a curd with them.
If you do not feel like doing macarons in the summer (I totally understand, only a crazy person like me would do it in this heat), the cherry curd can be used in a lot of deserts. You can eat it in your yogurt, or as a topping for a nice vanilla ice-cream, or on your breakfast toast as well.